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Studio Mariposa is a free art center for border kids in Naco, Mexico. Our mission is to show kids that anything is possible if you think creatively. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
Studio Mariposa is a free art center for kids on the Mexican border.
Our art center is located in Naco, Sonora, just across the border.
Your donations go far to provide free art and music classes for kids on the other side of the border wall.
You can mail us a check at the address below:
Studio Mariposa
c/o Gretchen Baer
PO Box 605
Bisbee, AZ 85603
Your contribution may be tax deductible!
Studio Mariposa is a 501(c)(3)
Here is our Tax ID:
Recurring donations are the best way to give steady support.
All major credit cards are accepted.
If you'd like to do a one time donation that is more than welcome as well! Please click the donate button below and enter in the amount you'd like to donate in the paypal window.
After you hit Submit you will need to put your cursor on the $0.00 and type in the amount you want to give.
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